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Hello, Internet traveler!
There's some extreme-makeover going on here. I wanted to update this website for a long time, started a few times, changed
my mind on how to do it along the way a few more times and never really finished.
This time instead of doing a big-bang release and procrastinate the hell out of it, I decided to start from scratch
Like... really raw... ...unstyled kind of scratch and add new things piece by piece.
If you want to follow along, here's a log of what I've done so far:
Filling the gap my way.
It's pretty weird how this work log journal came to be, but I like it a lot, already feel like blogging the way I
want to share things.
For some reasons this reminded me of "The Gap" one of my favourite videos of all times, that I often share and
rewarch whe I do as It's just 2 minutes long.
The GAP by Ira Glass
While watching it again I realized I've been watchintg it for over a decade now, and I still love it, this time I
took a few minute to see who made it, and wrote a thanks you message, I believe he knows he has done something very
good but the amout of good as a ripple effect is probably order of magnitude highter than he would even image.
Created a backoffice to write notes and save them to a DB, I went with Turso as I like their DX and simplicity.
Why use a DB when you can write markdown files with Astro?
Good question! I like to be able to write notes on the go and limiting myself to only write on a code editor
or on GitHub ends up with me avoiding to write as much as I want to share
I started using better-auth as I'm using it on another project (TanStack
Start) and enjoing it so far.
I got it working but when I started putting pages behing auth I noticed that in Astro the easier (and less error
prone) way to do it is to check the url paths in a middleware.
Well, if I have to do it that way why don't just use basic auth instead?
Unfortunately basic auth sucks bad on iOS Safari and can't proberly save it for a while.
In the end I decided to just throw away the better-auth implementation and go super simple, and have a cookie
based auth what I check in the middleware. Nice and simple.
Eventually yes, but I prefer to expriment in the dark for the moment, especially while I'm writing many drafts that I'm not ready to share but I plan to shre "raw" initial versions of writing to show how they evolved from just a vomited series of words that barely make sense to myself to something that I considered worth publishing.
I'm still esistant about using a single website for tech and non tech things, I liked to have separated but maybe the friction of different projects is what made me now taking care on them or write for a long time?
Regardless in this moment I deciede to take the simplest path and make it work first, that's not a irriversible decision and I can always chage my mind later but better make somethign come complex later (for a good reason) than not make anything at all.